About me:
Name: Amelia Bayo
Current eployer: European Southern Observatory
PhD in Physics:
2009 UAM, Madrid
Master in Astrophysics:
2005 UAM, Madrid
2004 Maths-Astronomy, UCM
Granted Fellowships:
MPIA fellowship
ESO Fellowship
SPITZER Visiting Graduate Student Fellowship
FPI PhD fellowship
Interdepartamental fellowship @ Astronomy and Geodesy department UCM, Madrid
Núcleo Milenio de Formación Planetaria 2017-2022 (~1600000EUR)
Investigadora Programa Ciencia de Frontera (Academia Chilena de Ciencias)
Fondecyt Regular 2019 (130000EUR)
PAI-MEC 2016
Fondecyt Iniciacion 2014 (130000EUR)
ESO Comité Mixto 2015 (60000EUR)
Premio Excelencia investigadora Academia de Ciencias Chilena (1350EUR, donated to the PhD program)
Students supervision:
PhD supervision A. Aguayo
PhD co-supervision N. Monsalves
Former students (supervised or co-supervised):
BA. Guerrero (2023)
BA. Ureta (2022)
BA. Espindola (2022)
Eng. Galvez (2022)
BA. Pillado (2020)
BA. Corvalan (2020)
MsC. Medina (2023)
MsC. Zamora (2021)
MsC. Aguayo (2019)
MsC. Arancibia (2018)
Dr. Ordenes (2023)
Dr. Godoy (2023)
Dr. Zuñiga-Fernandez (2021)
Dr. D. Iglesias (2020)
​Dr. P. Elliott (2016)
Dr. H. Drass (2014)
Dr. Simon Petrus
Dr. Zhen Guo
Dr. Juan Carlos Beamin
Dr. Karina Mauco
Useful links:

Research interests:
My main research interests deal with star and planet formation at both ends of the mass function (with emphasis on the role of multiplicity), coupled with the use and development of Virtual Observatory tools and astornomy mirror production.
In particular many of my projects are related to putting observational constraints to the formation of low mass stars, brown dwarfs and isolated planetary mass objects. The most widely discussed formation scenarios include turbulent fragmentation, ejection from multiple protostellar systems, and photoevaporation of massive prestellar cores. Proper census well below the hydrogen burning limit in star forming regions and the study of the properties of the lowest mass members are essential to distinguish among the possible scenarios
I am also interested in the impact of multiplicity on the evolution of the disks around solar type stars, its impact in planet formation and the new instrumentation being developed to resolve the hill sphere of proto-planets (PFI).
From the technical point of view my main skills are:
The data reduction and analysis of optical, near- and mid- infrared spectra for a wide range of resolutions.
The use and development of VO-tools conceived to ease the handling of large data-sets and catalogs.
During six years in Valparaiso, the production of glass and carbon fiber based high quality mirror (NPF)